Business Case for Enterprise Application Development

Enterprise Applications often require hefty resource and time investments and hence require a strong business case.
But what is a business case? At its core, your business case provides justification for taking up a project. So your business case can either be weak or strong. Needless to say, you need a strong business case for a project of the magnitude of enterprise application development.

All You Need to Know About No-code Development

The idea of no-code development is getting popular and for good reason – who wouldn’t like to be able to build apps and websites without learning a programming language? Exactly, for anyone who requires an application or a website, the allure of no-code development is hard to resist.

Shopify Success Do’s and Don’ts

Shopify store development

If you have a product that people want, you can build a Shopify store and sell it. However, there are right and wrong ways to do it.
If you are interested in finding out, read this blog till the end.

How to Build an AI Model – An Enterprise Perspective!

Artificial intelligence has gone from an exciting hot tech trend to a viable solution to real-world business problems to the point where several businesses have deployed artificial intelligence while others are seriously considering deploying it.
But there are several ways to leverage AI for solving business problems, the two most obvious ones being model development from scratch and model integration.

How Does Netflix Use Machine Learning

Machine learning

In the vast landscape of online streaming platforms, Netflix stands as a towering giant, captivating millions with its diverse array of content and seamless user experience.
But what is it that Netflix does that keeps its users hooked? The answer lies in its sophisticated implementation of machine learning algorithms, which tailor every aspect of your viewing journey to perfection.

How AI is Changing the Automotive Industry in the USA

Artificial intelligence is one of the technologies that’s moving the automotive industry forward. AI-powered systems designed specifically for the automotive industry are gaining popularity. According to a report by Statista, the global automotive AI market is to reach 74.5 billion USD by 2030.