App Development Cost – A Comprehensive Guide in 2024

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Knowing app development cost is quite a major thing when someone wants to build a mobile app. The cost of app development differs because there are many different variables at play, including the complexity, platform, and location of your development team. This guide will talk about the cost involving the development of an app, covering the factors that help you budget and plan successfully for your app development project.

1. Types Based App Development Cost

The cost of a mobile app development relies highly on the app type and its complexity. Here’s an overview of the typical costs for different app types:

  • Simple Apps: These are light, typically simple applications that serve very few purposes and provide less user engagement. One simple example would be a basic calculator or even a notepad. The average development cost for such apps can vary within the range of $30,000 to $50,000, however, the app development cost increases for simple apps when you go for flexibility and scalability of mobile app development.
  • Moderate Complexity Apps: Such apps involve more features, like database integration, user log-in, and sharing on social media. For example, you can create a health application that will indicate the activities of each user and workout plans. while developing a moderate size of mobile app, the mobile app development cost will be between $50,000 to $100,000 but there are more factors for this size of mobile app project costs. 
  • Complex Apps: Complex mobile apps have advanced functionalities, such as in-app purchases, augmented reality, or even artificial intelligence, along with real-time data synchronization. For instance, a mobile banking app or a sophisticated social media platform: the mobile app development cost for such apps starts from $100,000 to $500,000 or more, depending on specific requirements. In summary, the size and features directly impact the cost of mobile app development. 

2. Choice of Platform: iOS vs. Android vs. Cross-Platform cost

The choice of platform is one of the most important factors that influence the cost of mobile app development. Most of the time, it narrows down to a decision between iOS, Android, or developing for both. Here’s how each option affects pricing:

  • iOS App Development: Typically, iOS app development cost are a lesser than Android apps, as there are fewer devices and screen sizes to support. However, Apple’s strict app review process can add to development time and thus cost of ios app development.
  • Android Apps Development: Due to the wide range of devices, various screen sizes, and versions of OS that need to be supported, the development of Android app development is quite expensive. In addition, after the mobile app development cost for Android, additional testing and optimization may be required due to the open nature of the Android ecosystem, which may raise the expenses of mobile app development.
  • Cross Platform Apps Development: If you want to release your application for both iOS and Android, cross-platform development can save money. In this scenario, developers using React Native or Flutter will be able to write code once and deploy it on both platforms. Above all, one drawback is that cross-platform apps, compared to their native applications, may lose in performance and user experience, and this may directly influence the costs of support in the long run. Saying it would be better that cross-platform app development saves time however there is little impact on the cost of mobile app development.

3. Geographical Location of Development Teams:

One more important cost determinant is the geographical location of your development team. Basically, the charges vary across the world for different developers, with the highest rate being in North America.

North America (USA, Canada)

This region brings the largest development costs from $100 to $250 per hour for mobile app development costs. High cost is justified by high quality, advanced technologies used, and the reliability of teams.

Western Europe (UK, Germany, France) 

The rates for mobile app development cost run between $70 and $150 per hour. Probably, Western Europe would fit best for those who want a good balance of cost and quality since lots of experienced developers and agencies are situated here.

Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Poland, Belarus)

It provides quality mobile app developers at competitive prices—usually within the $40-$80 per hour price range. Having such talent at its disposal, Eastern Europe has become an outsourcing center of interest for app development with a reasonable cost of mobile app development.

Asia (India, China, Vietnam)

This region brings to the table the cheapest services in development, up to $20-$50 per hour. While it may be more affordable, one should ensure that the developers chosen have pertinent experience and a good grasp of your project requirements.

Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico)

The development costs in Latin America usually lie within $30 to $70 per hour. The region has been gaining huge popularity as far as outsourcing is considered because of its time zone alignment with the US and improving tech infrastructure.

4. Key Deliverables of Development Cost:

Other than the type of app, choice of platform, and geographical location, several other factors may raise the cost of app development:

  • Design Complexity:

    The more complex the design is with custom animations, complicated user interfaces, and high-end graphics the more time and expertise it will be, thus increasing the cost.

  • Backend Development: This part represents the server-side logic responsible for handling data, users, and the app’s business logic. In apps relying on cloud services, data storage, and real-time synchronization, a robust backend forms a base, and it can be expensive.
  • Third Party Integrations: Development cost increases with the addition of third-party services, which may include payment gateways social media logins, and/or any other analytics tool. The more integrations your app requires, the more expensive it will be. 
  • Security Features: Those apps dealing with sensitive data, such as financial apps, have elaborate security features. Their setup is pretty expensive but helps to build trust among users and ensure conformance with regulations like GDPR. 
  • Post Launch Maintenance and Updates: Just an upfront cost is only the beginning. Further maintenance, bug fixing, updating, and adding new features to your app are very important to be competitive and functional. These post-launch costs can reach 15-20% of the initial development cost annually.

5. App Development Stages Breakdown

Basically, the process goes through several stages, which each contribute to the overall cost:

1. Research and Planning

A plan for everything has to be made before the coding process starts. This includes research of the target market, audience, and definition of features the app will possess. This stage can cost up to 10-15%.

2. Design 

Wireframing, UI/UX design, and prototyping, these are the parts that include designing. A good design doesn’t only feel good; it also gives the perfect user experience. This will take up 15-25% of the budget.

3. Development

This is the single largest element in the cost structure, including front-end and back-end development, integration with APIs, and third-party services. Development usually comprises 40-60% of the total cost.

4. Testing

Proper testing will ensure the app works as intended without any bugs. The cost of testing depends on the complexity of the app and is around 10-20% of the budget.

5. Deployment

This is the final stage where an app gets submitted to app stores, configured servers, and ready to go live. It usually accounts for around 5-10% of the cost.

app development cost

6. Hidden Costs and Common Pitfalls

While the major cost factors are well-known, some hidden costs might further surprise you:

1. Licences  and Compliences 

Depending on the purpose of your app, you could be up against several software licenses, regulatory compliance, and fees that app stores charge.

2.  Marketing and Acquisition 

A significant cost post-launch is marketing your app to acquire users. This includes paid advertising, social media campaigns, and PR efforts.

3. Expected Delays 

Development projects are known to get delayed by unexpected problems, project scope changes, or technical issues; any of these could escalate the cost of development.

4. Feature Creep

The introduction of new features during development may lead to “feature creep,” a condition where an originally small idea expands in scope—for example, where the nature of a feature can be expanded to serve many other purposes. This can be extremely time-consuming and fairly costly.

7. Strategies to Manage and Reduce Cost

Good management can keep costs at bay and as low as possible for developing apps. Here are some ways to achieve that:

1. Prioritize Features 

Start with an MVP including only core features to allow faster time-to-market, getting user feedback before investing in other features.

2.  Choosing the Right Development Team

Take out time to select a development team that has relevant experience and has a proven record. A good team will not only deliver a great quality product but also help you avoid the most costly mistakes.

3. Adopt Agile Methodology 

Agile is an iterative process with periodic testing and feedback loops. This helps in knowing, pretty early on, if anything is off the way one wants it to go, hence avoiding rework.

4. Outsource Wisely

In case of the decision to outsource development, choose a reliable partner. Additionally, outsourcing will save costs, but it is critically important not to compromise on quality. Engage with developers from regions that have a great cost-to-expertise ratio, such as Eastern Europe or Latin America.

The app development cost is the most important factor of consideration because developing the mobile app is not enough after investing and bearing the cost of app development you need to have a proper strategy to launch the mobile app developed also the cost of mobile app development is just a starting point of your go to market. 


For anyone who wants to create a mobile app, it is of major importance to understand all of the different factors that influence the app development cost. These include the type of application, the platform on which it is, and even the geographical location of your development team. Proper planning, focusing on key features, and choosing the right development team will help keep control over costs and maximize the possibility of success for your application.

Development of a mobile app is a huge investment, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t control the costs and get value for your money if you are cautious in your plans and have the right strategies.

About the Author

Samar Ayub is an accomplished Project Manager with over 8 years of dedicated service in the field of Mobile and Web Applications development. Having overseen the development of more than 15 live applications, which are available on both the App Store and Play Store, Samar’s work has directly impacted the lives of over 500,000 users worldwide. With a keen focus on Product Discovery and MVP Development, Samar brings a wealth of expertise to every project she undertakes. She is available on LinkedIn for further discussion.

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