7 Tricks for Testing MVP Development Success

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MVP is said to mitigate the risk involved in product development but that is only if, your MVP testing is properly done.

The very idea of MVP is to test.

To put things in perspective, a minimum viable product is a set of core features compiled into a functional product to see the market response. The idea is to gauge the market feedback to decide whether to proceed in the same direction, add new features, enhance existing ones to better cater to the desired users, abandon the product completely, or rethink and reconceptualize the core idea.

All of these decisions are made based on accurate, consistent, and progressive testing.

Various Aspects of MVP Testing

Idea Validation

Idea validation is the cornerstone of MVP testing. Before investing significant time and resources into development, it is crucial to ensure that your product idea is viable and has the potential to meet market demands.

Determining the Market-fit

Problem: Identify and understand the problem your product aims to solve. Engage with potential users to gather insights and validate that the problem is significant enough to warrant a solution.

Market Gap: Analyze the market to identify gaps that your product can fill. This involves studying competitors, understanding their offerings, and pinpointing areas where they fall short. A well-defined market gap signifies an opportunity for your MVP to thrive.

Feature Testing

Once the idea is validated, the next step is to test individual features. This ensures that each feature is not only desirable but also user-friendly and effectively addresses user needs.

The Desirability of a Feature

A feature is desirable if it addresses a user need worth satisfying or alleviates a pain point. To test this:

Conduct surveys and interviews with potential users.

Use A/B testing to compare different versions of the feature.

Gather and analyze user feedback to refine the feature.

Usability of a Feature

A feature’s usability determines how easily users can utilize it to solve their problems.

Intuitiveness: A feature is intuitive if users can grasp how to use it effortlessly. To ensure intuitiveness:

  • Test the feature with its intended users and observe their interactions.
  • If users struggle, identify pain points and make necessary adjustments.
  • Follow best design practices to create user-friendly interfaces, such as maintaining consistency, providing clear instructions, and minimizing complexity.

Testing the Product

After individual features are validated and refined, the focus shifts to testing the overall product. This ensures that the product operates smoothly and meets quality standards.


Robustness testing assesses the product’s ability to function under various conditions without crashing or producing errors.

Functional Testing: Verify that all features work as intended and integrate seamlessly. This involves:

Unit testing: Check individual components for correctness.

Integration testing: Ensure that combined components function together properly.

System testing: Evaluate the complete system’s compliance with requirements.

Regression Testing: Ensure that new updates or changes do not negatively affect existing functionalities. This is crucial for maintaining product stability over time.


Performance testing evaluates how well the product performs under expected and stress conditions. It includes:

Load Testing: Determine the product’s behavior under normal and peak load conditions. This helps in identifying bottlenecks and optimizing performance.

Stress Testing: Assess the product’s limits by pushing it beyond normal operational capacity. This helps in understanding how the product handles extreme conditions and recovers from failures.

Scalability Testing: Evaluate the product’s ability to scale up or down based on demand. This ensures that the product can handle growth without compromising performance.

User Experience 

User experience (UX) testing ensures that the product is not only functional but also enjoyable and easy to use. Key aspects include:

Usability Testing: Observe real users as they interact with the product to identify any usability issues. This helps in making the product more intuitive and user-friendly.

Accessibility Testing: Ensure that the product is accessible to users with disabilities. This includes checking for compliance with accessibility standards and guidelines.

Aesthetic Appeal: Evaluate the visual design and overall aesthetic of the product. A pleasing design can enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

Feedback Mechanisms: Implement tools for users to provide feedback easily. Analyzing this feedback can provide valuable insights for continuous improvement.

What Does MVP Testing Yield?

Insights for Product Strategy
The research done for MVP development results in understanding the market, the audience’s pain points, and competition.
Based on this understanding, business leaders can ideate and conceptualize new products to cater to the audience’s needs and address the gaps in the market.

Insights for Scalability Planning
Insights gained through MVP testing directly inform the decisions regarding the product’s scalability in terms of including expanded functionalities

7 Ways to Test Your MVP

Customer Interviews: Gather direct feedback from potential users to understand their needs and expectations, helping refine your MVP before market launch.

Crowdfunding: Use platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to secure funding and validate interest in your MVP by attracting backers who believe in your concept.

Explainer Videos: Create a video to demonstrate your product’s functionality and attract early adopters, as Dropbox successfully did to boost signups and interest.

Landing Pages: Develop a landing page to collect user analytics and gauge interest, informing both the customer and developer about potential market reception.

A/B Testing: Compare two versions of your MVP by measuring user interactions and preferences using tools like Google Analytics to determine the superior option.

Pre-orders: Offer pre-orders to assess demand and secure early sales commitments, similar to crowdfunding but with the promise of delivering the product.

Concierge MVPs: Provide personalized services to a small user group to test and validate your MVP concept, as Rent the Runway did with in-person dress trials to confirm demand.


MVP testing is a multi-faceted process that involves validating the core idea, testing individual features for desirability and usability, and ensuring overall product robustness, performance, and user experience. By rigorously testing at each stage, you can build a product that not only meets user needs but also stands out in the competitive market. Remember, the goal of MVP testing is to learn and iterate, paving the way for a successful product launch and continuous improvement.

About the Author

Samar Ayub is an accomplished Project Manager with over 8 years of dedicated service in the field of Mobile and Web Applications development. Having overseen the development of more than 15 live applications, which are available on both the App Store and Play Store, Samar’s work has directly impacted the lives of over 500,000 users worldwide. With a keen focus on Product Discovery and MVP Development, Samar brings a wealth of expertise to every project she undertakes. She is available on LinkedIn for further discussion.

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